The Breath of Trees
Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause.
Walking down a forest path, the sound of your feet crunching the new fallen snow. The trees seem to stand majestically eloquently wrapped in layers of snowflakes. Bearing the weight yet so still – serene, peaceful. With a glance it seems there is no movement. Silence.
Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause.
A moment that ripples a wave of unbridled bliss. Guided by wisdom from the heart you are caught up in the rapture of the breath of the trees when you yourself are still. There is a growing awareness in your heart. This place of stillness, ease and love grows and surrounds you. Breathe into it. Allow it to nurture you. The gentle inhale and exhale of the trees is felt within, an extension to your soul. A connection that even words standing on her tippy toes trying to reach for the sky and sail with the wind, is unable to truly paint the picture.
Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause.
Nature is the outward reflection of what our soul is and calling for us to be. It lovingly holds all with grace, compassion, patience, and wisdom. This place of stillness, ease and love grows and surround you. It is the essence and breath of who we all are.
Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause.
-Krista Harrison